Experiments with GSiril

What is GSiril

GSiril can be downloaded from Richard Smith’s website and provides a simple and fast way of proving touches. For anyone used to using MicroSiril the syntax is very similar and, in fact, GSiril offers a MicroSiril compatibility mode. I’ve been trying without much luck to get GSiril compiled on Mac OS/X 10.11 so I have been using the Windows version.

Proving some touches

1,260 Plain Bob Minor


6 bells
2 extents

part1 = wb,bh, 2 h
part2 = wh,2 h

wb = b,p,s,p,p,"- s | @"
bh = p,p,s,p,b," s - | @"
wh = b,p,p,p,b,"- - | @"
h = p,p,p,p,b," - | @"
sh = p,p,p,p,s," s | @"

p = PlainBob, +2
s = PlainBob, +234
b = PlainBob, +4

PlainBob = &x16x16x16

prove "W B H | 123456",2 part1, wb, bh, h, sh, 2 part2, wh,h,sh,"$"


1260 rows ending in 123456
Touch is true

5,088 Yorkshire Surprise Major


8 bells

peal = 3 part

part = 2 (wh, 2h), bh, h

wh = p,p,p,b,p,p,b
m = p,p,b,p,p,p,p
mw = p,p,b,b,p,p,p
w = p,p,p,b,p,p,p
h = p,p,p,p,p,p,b
bh = p,b,p,b

p = Yorkshire, +2
b = Yorkshire, +4

Yorkshire = &-3-4-5-6-2-3-4-7

prove peal


5088 rows ending in 12345678
Touch is true

240 Plain Bob Doubles


5 bells
2 extents

touch = 3 part,"There are $ repeated changes."

part = b,p,p,b,p,b,p,p

p = PlainBob,+2
b = PlainBob,+4

PlainBob = &

prove touch


240 rows ending in 12345
Touch is true