Welcome to Ray’s website
A brief introduction
Hi and welcome to my website. Much of this site is connected in one way or another with bell ringing. There are also pages about me and my wife Donna. If you are looking for Donna’s X-Files collection, then follow the link.
Ringing Bells
Up to Friday, 24 January 2025, I have rung 1,183 peals, a further four withdrawn peals, and 683 quarter peals. I have conducted seventeen of the peals and 142 of the quarter peals. I have rung on 744 different rings of bells.
My home tower is Blackburn Cathedral.
Donna & I own one bell, Durham – the treble, at Saint John-the-Baptist Church, Tunstall in Kent. This was cast by John Taylor & Co. of Loughborough in 1995. The bell is inscribed, “GIVEN BY RAYMOND, DONNA, RICHARD & ROBERT HUTCHINGS OCTOBER 1995”.
Family History

The roots of the name Hutchings come from the Viking settlers of ancient Scotland. The name was derived from Huchon, a diminutive form of Hugh. In Scotland, the name Hutchings is the equivalent of Hugh.