Category Archives: Domestic

Shaun in Bristol – Day 3

Unlike yesterday, today was more of a driving day to mop up the last 10 Shauns. I always found driving around Bristol a little on the stressful side: the roads are narrow, the hills are steep and there are cars parked on both sides of the road. However, I’m pleased to say the day past without incident and we managed to “grab” the last 10 Shauns.

Sparkle the Unicorn

Sparkle the Unicorn

Sparkle the Unicorn was our last one.

Image of the Shaun Trophy Award

The Ultimate Shepherd.


Shauns today: 10

Shauns this weekend: 60

Total Shauns: 120 ex 120.

Shaun in Bristol – Day 2

Today was walking day.  My phone says we walked 17.29 miles. We didn’t. We walked about 12 miles.

We started the day at Starbucks for breakfast and then grabbing the two indoor Shauns from the Old City Trail we couldn’t get on Sunday.

After that we followed the Temple Trail (2.5km) which gave us nine new Shauns and then straight on to the 12 Shauns on the Harbourside Trail (5km) and stopped for lunch at the Pump House. That then took us to the Heritage Trail (2km) and a further eight Shauns where we ended the day’s exercise at The Berkeley on Whiteladies Road.

Shauns today: 31.

Shauns this weekend: 60.

Total Shauns: 110 ex 120.

Shaun in Bristol – Day 1

A good drive down with very little traffic on the roads. Arrived at Cribbs Causeway shopping centre for 10:30 and quickly grabbed the three Shauns there.

Shaun the Sheep. One of the three at Cribs Causeway.

Fab-ewe-lous. One of the three Shauns at Cribs Causeway.

After this we followed the Sheep Drive and quickly spotted all eight Shauns. Moving on to the South Bank Trail we very quickly grabbed the five Shauns before grabbing the 16 Shauns on Brunel Trail. Shaun 23 Bloomin’ Gorge-ous was designed by Professor Alice Roberts. Nice.

Bloomin' Gorge-ous by Alice Roberts

Bloomin’ Gorge-ous by Alice Roberts

After completing this trail we headed to the hotel and sorted out our room for the night and had a meal before heading out to grab eight of the ten Old City Trail. Two were indoors and closed so will have to be grabbed on  Monday.

Then back to the hotel.

Shauns today: 29

Total Shauns: 79.