Current conditions for Leyland Weather

(Figures in parentheses indicate hourly change)


 4.7°C (-0.9)

 Dew Point:

 1.2°C (-0.5)

 Wind Chill:

 2.9°C (0.1)

 Wind Speed:

 5 MPH (-3)

 Wind Direction:



 982.0 mb (1.0)


 0.00 in/h (0.00)

 Current Conditions:


 Time Of Sample (local):

 14 Dec 2019 10:38 am

Graphs for Leyland Weather


Page Notes

This is the current weather being recorded in real time (between 8am to 10pm UK time). Our weather station is a Oregon WMR200 which is located in the back garden.

The approximate location is 53° 41' North and 2° 41' West which is in the middle of Leyland, Lancashire.

Overnight the data is logged by the WMR200 and is updated the following morning.

We are using WaeatherCat Version 1.


Generated By WeatherCat Version 3.04, Build 91 at 10:38:55 14-Dec-19

Please note: this page will automatically refresh approximately every fifteen minutes